Gomde UK
Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries for the study and practice of the Three Yanas.
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Monlam — Aspiration Prayer
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Rangjung Yeshe Institute
International Centres for Buddhist Studies and Meditation.
Dharma House
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Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Translation and Publications of Buddhist classics, treatises and contemporary teachings.
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Dharmachakra Translation Committee
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.
Shenpen Nepal

Bodhi Training from Erik Pema Kunsang at Gomde UK

Weekend Bodhi Training: Residential and Day Visitor options at Gomde UK

Bodhi Training is a year long online course from Erik Pema Kunsang – translator of ancient Buddhist scriptures, author, bridge-builder to modern life, Buddhist teacher & meditation instructor.

Gomde UK is working in partnership with Erik Pema Kunsang and Gomde Denmark to provide this online course via monthly weekend residential and day visitor options at Gomde UK. Beginning in May 2022, the course will be offered through the year with 9 weekend sessions and a 5 day retreat.

Booking is now open for weekends in May, June and August 2022 at Gomde UK.

About Bodhi Training

Bodhi Training is an experiment, integrating traditional wisdom with a contemporary educational format. It does not promote competition and profit, but rather evolves around spirit and the co-development of compassionate communities – because genuine care makes us more intelligent and insightful. With this focus, studying as a group is often extremely helpful. In response to this Gomde UK at Lindholme Hall offer our residential weekend options for participants who wish to follow the teachings and practice together, developing the support of sangha as we move through the course.

Weekend Residential and Day Visitor options at Gomde UK

Erik’s online Sunday teachings will form the core of the weekend programme. On Friday evening and Saturday, we will follow a schedule recommended by Erik focusing on practice, contemplation and reflection. On Sunday, we will receive teachings from Erik (online).

As this is a year long course, Gomde UK will manage bookings one third at a time.
Please note: You must start at the beginning to participate in this course, attending all teachings in order. It’s not possible to join the teachings part way through.

It is possible to attend either as a resident or as a day visitor and combine of on-site with online study. However, if you wish to study entirely online, please book through the Bodhi Training site, for which the link can be found at the end of this page.

If you have booked the online course with Gomde Denmark for the year and then wish to attend a Gomde UK weekend retreat or the September retreat in person at Gomde UK, we can deduct the online proportion of the fee. In these circumstance, please contact helen@gomde.uk

Booking for May (13–15), June (17-19) August (19-21) at Gomde UK.

Residential attendance: Two nights accommodation, all meals plus access to all teachings and Saturday guided sessions. £115.00 (per weekend)

Day visitor attendance: Includes lunch & supper plus all access to teachings and Saturday guided sessions. £75.00 (per weekend)

Online attendance: Includes teachings online with Erik on Sunday only. £25.00 (per weekend)
*Please remember if you do not wish to attend Gomde UK as a day visitor or stay on site for at least one of the weekends, please book through the online option above.

Booking: Gomde UK

Schedule for residential and day visitors

Friday: Arrival in the evening for supper and meditation (residential only)

Saturday: Following a schedule recommended by Erik of exercises, reflections and meditations.

Sunday: Participate in the online teachings with Erik as a group.

* More detail will be added in due course.

Full programme overview at Gomde UK

May 13th – 15th (Booking open)
June 17th – 19h (Booking open)
August 19th – 21st (Booking open)

Five day retreat with Erik: September 13th - 17th
Participants can attend as a group at Gomde UK and listen to teachings online or attend in-person at Gomde DK. Booking will be available for the 5-day retreat at Gomde UK, a part of the Bodhi Training programme in the coming weeks.

October 7th – 9th
November 18th – 20th
December 9th – 11th

March 3rd – 5th
April 31st March – 2nd April
May 5th – 7th

Studying Bodhi Training fully Online

If you would like to study Bodhi Training fully Online, please book this through the Bodhi Training website. You will be provided with everything you need to study from your own home. Online bookings are for the complete year course only.

If you choose to study online, there will still be opportunity to join an autumn 5-day retreat at Gomde UK.

Online Only
“Interrupt the dualistic mind, so that you are at peace, in a way of being that is more and more open, effortless and light. We all need this form of lightness and spaciousness in life. Let a kindness that gives space be your natural atmosphere.”
– Erik Pema Kunsang