Gomde UK
Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries for the study and practice of the Three Yanas.
Monasteries and Nunneries
Monlam — Aspiration Prayer
Buddhist Philosophy, Himalayan languages and holistic education.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
International Centres for Buddhist Studies and Meditation.
Dharma House
Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, Meditations and Resources.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Translation and Publications of Buddhist classics, treatises and contemporary teachings.
Translator Training Program
Dharmachakra Translation Committee
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.
Shenpen Nepal
Making a difference
Based upon Chökyi Nyima’s guidance, our aim as a charity is to provide a secure and thriving base from which the authentic Dharma can flourish. Through our activities, we aspire to benefit individuals and communities.

We have built in financial astuteness to the organisation, seeking multiple funding streams to underpin our projects and activities, but it is your donations that remain the key ingredient to fulfilling Rinpoche’s aspirations for Gomde UK; your generosity is the heart blood of our projects and operations.
Donate to the Peatland Retreat Wing
We warmly invite you to become a part of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s vision to build an enduring home for Buddhism in England.

Donate to our General Fund
Our general fund provides for all our operational expenses and underpins and supports all our activities. It pays for things like utilities, insurance, staff wages, kitchen and office equipment, maintenance and running the Gomde car! It is especially useful to cover unexpected one-off or annual expenses.

Become a Keeper of the Estate - Keep Gomde Going!
The Keepers of the Estate are those who wish to make regular monthly donations to ensure that month in and month out, Gomde has a regular stream of income to support all its activities and ongoing regular costs.

Donate to Thubten Chökor Ling Temple
We welcome offerings from everyone, be it good wishes, particular skills, or donations large or small; every pound, every effort, helps to make the Temple become a reality.

Please remember your offering can be dedicated in the name of your loved ones, to those who have died, and ultimately for the benefit of all sentient beings. If you have any questions about donating to or helping with the project, we would love to hear from you. Please contact info@gomde.uk

Join the 100 Club!
Assist from the comfort of your armchair and have a little fun! The 100 Club helps raise funds for Gomde and provides a little fun for its members. Members each pay £5 per month towards the monthly draw. Half the money collected is returned in prizes for the three monthly winners and half the proceeds are made as a donation to Gomde to support the daily running of the centre.

To join the Lindholme 100 Club, please sign up via the following link and please tick the monthly donation box. Thank you!

Sign Up
Leave a legacy
Leaving a gift in your will creates a lasting connection with Gomde UK and will directly benefit many beings both now and into the future. You will play a part in our work for future generations.

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Enthuse Donation Platform
We use Enthuse to process our online donations. Using Enthuse is safe and secure, reduces our admin and maximises donations by automatically claiming gift aid where applicable. To process our transactions, we pay Enthuse 0.5% + 20p per transaction. We have ensured these rates are lower than other providers such as JustGiving and Paypal.

To help cover their costs Enthuse also asks you for a voluntary gift towards their work when you make your donation. If you do not wish to leave a voluntary gift to them simply click ‘other’ and enter the amount of £0.00. Your donation to Rangjung Yeshe UK will not be affected.

If you would prefer to donate to Rangjung Yeshe UK via bank transfer please see the details below.

Donate via bank transfer or PayPal
Bank Transfer

Bank name: HSBC
Account Name: Rangjung Yeshe UK
Account Number: 52563436
Sort Code: 40–33–01
Branch Indentifier: HBUKGB4108G
IBAN: GB60HBUK40330152563436

Donate via PayPal


If you wish to discuss how you would like to support Gomde, or to find out more about ways to help us, please email: info@gomde.uk