Gomde UK
Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries for the study and practice of the Three Yanas.
Monasteries and Nunneries
Monlam — Aspiration Prayer
Buddhist Philosophy, Himalayan languages and holistic education.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
International Centres for Buddhist Studies and Meditation.
Dharma House
Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, Meditations and Resources.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Translation and Publications of Buddhist classics, treatises and contemporary teachings.
Translator Training Program
Dharmachakra Translation Committee
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.
Shenpen Nepal

Looking for a Buddhist Solitary Retreat in England, UK?

We’d love to welcome you at Gomde — which means ‘Place of Meditators’.

Buddhist Meditation Centre Gomde UK, Lindholme Hall near Doncaster in Yorkshire, offers a wonderful environment for serious meditation practitioners to practice.
Whether for short or long-term full solitary retreats, or as a base to enable one to focus on practice in the longer term, it is a place to put Dharma (Sanskrit for teachings of the Buddha) at the heart of all one does.

At Gomde UK we aspire to offer you a unique opportunity for silent reflection and a perfect haven for deep meditation at our solitary retreats.
Therefore in these lovely gleaming woods,
With joy that’s marred by few concerns,
Where mental wandering will cease,
I will remain in blissful solitude.

— Shantideva, The Way of the Bodhisattva

Individual solitary retreat in the cabins

The retreat cabins are located within a secluded woodland setting chosen by our Spiritual Director Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche.

We have two off-the-grid solitary retreat cabins for personal retreat, located on beautiful parts of the estate within our orchard and woodland. The cabins are newly constructed, fully insulated and self-contained and are ideal for practitioners who wish for complete silence, solitude and seclusion.

Read More Photograph of the inside of a Gomde retreat hut. A wood-burning stove and a window looking out onto a forest are visible.

Individual solitary retreat in the hall

We have different rooms for solo silent retreat, all extremely comfortable and with far-reaching views, with facilities and prices to suit different budgets. Retreat is supported by the community and meals are served in the retreatant’s room, the Hall’s private dining room or in the community dining room in the Coach House, whichever suits the practitioner.

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The Lindholme Estate has 180 acres of land and is surrounded by the Hatfield Moor: 3,500 acres of wilderness. The Moor is perfect for walking and quiet reflection; it is rare to see another human being but wildlife is plentiful!

Buddhist Monastic Support

We have been fortunate in recent years to have a considerable monastic presence with Lama Öser as our resident Lama to help guide beginners and inspire us all. We have also been graced by visits from Lama Tenzin and a two-month residency of the accomplished Khen Rinpoche. We hope with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s blessing the conditions continue for these most fortunate circumstances to prevail. If requested, our monastic sangha (Sanskrit for spiritual community) is always willing to offer guidance to resident practitioners.

Gomde UK has a Buddhist library of English-language Dharma books and some rare Tibetan texts brought here by Lama Öser.

Next Step

For more details and to book your Buddhist solitary retreat with us, please contact retreat@gomde.uk. We look forward to welcoming you and creating the conditions for your meditation practice to flourish.