Gomde UK
Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries for the study and practice of the Three Yanas.
Monasteries and Nunneries
Monlam — Aspiration Prayer
Buddhist Philosophy, Himalayan languages and holistic education.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
International Centres for Buddhist Studies and Meditation.
Dharma House
Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, Meditations and Resources.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Translation and Publications of Buddhist classics, treatises and contemporary teachings.
Translator Training Program
Dharmachakra Translation Committee
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.
Shenpen Nepal
Lama Tenzin
The Three Roots: Insights, Understanding and Practice.
21st September – 13th October 2024
This is essentially a 3 week long retreat. However, to enable people to attend, it is also possible to attend for 1 or 2 weeks. Please find a registration link below.

‘Namo. In the lord guru the sovereign of all buddha families,
In the yidam deity, the source of accomplishment,
And in the dakinis, who dispel all obstacles,
I take refuge in the Three Roots’.

The outer Three Jewels are the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. The Three jewels have an inner aspect, known as the Three Roots: the Guru, who is the root of blessings; the Yidam, who is the root of accomplishment; and the Dakini, who is the root of enlightened activity.

Within the Chokling Tersar tradition the three roots are:

Guru: Padmasambhava as practiced in Trinley Nyingpo 21–28 Sept, Week 1
The Guru who embodies all aspects of refuge. This is one of the core practices of our Chokling Tersar tradition bestowing blessings and clearing away obstacles to enable us to progress on our spiritual path.

Yidam: Vajrakilaya Sadhana 29 Sept — 5 Oct, Week 2
The practice of Vajrakilaya is at the heart of the ancient Vajrayana traditions of Tibet. The wrathful heruka Vajrakilaya is the yidam deity who embodies the enlightened activity of all the buddhas manifesting in an intensely wrathful yet compassionate form in order to subjugate the delusion and negativity within us that can arise as obstacles to the practice of Dharma.

Dakini: Kurukulla Sadhana 6 Oct — 13 Oct, Week 3
Kurukulla is a powerful semi-wrathful female deity, an embodiment of enlightened wisdom; a dakini skilled in magnetizing. Her enriching power attracts wisdom, happiness, health, wealth, and long life. Kurukulla is red in color, in dancing posture, and holding a flowery bow and arrow in one pair of hands and a hook and noose of flowers in the other pair.
Empowerment and Translation
Please note empowerments are required for this retreat.
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche has kindly agreed to bestow the empowerment of Kurukulla during the annual seminar (26–31 July)

We are very happy that this seminar will be translated by Maitri who is currently Lama Tenzin’s main translator.
Retreat Attendance Options

It is possible to attend for all 3 weeks, or selected retreats. Please note that places will be limited and preference given to those who wish to undertake the whole retreat.

Attendance options are detailed on the registration form as follows.

Options for attending one week only

Trinley Nyingpo 21–28 Sept: Single Room — £450
Trinley Nyingpo 21–28 Sept: Twin Room — £350

Vajrakilaya 29 Sept — 5 Oct: Single — £450
Vajrakilaya 29 Sept — 5 Oct: Twin — £350

Kurukulla 6 Oct — 13 Oct: Single — £450
Kurukulla 6 Oct — 13 Oct Twin — £350

Attending two retreat weeks

Trinley Nyngpo & Vajrakilaya 21 Sept –5 Oct: Single — £800
Trinley Nyingpo & Vajrakilaya 21 Sept –5 Oct: Twin — £600

Vakjrakilaya & Kurukulla 29 Sept –13 Oct: Single — £800
Vajrakilaya & Kurukulla 29 Sept –13 Oct: Twin — £600

Attending 3 weeks
Trinley Nyngpo, Vajrakilaya, Kurukulla 21 Sept – 13 Oct: Single — £1050
Trinley Nyngpo, Vajrakilaya, Kurukulla 21 Sept – 13 Oct: Twin — £850
General Information
Offering Sponsorship and Supporting Gomde
Please note that the centre is almost entirely dependent on the generosity of those who wish to support our activities through donations. For those of you who are able to give more to either sponsor someone who has difficulty funding a place or to support the running of Gomde UK, a greater donation would be welcome and much appreciated.

Took Feast Donations
During each of the retreats a daily Tsok ( Feast) offering is made. Attending Tsok feasts and contributing to a Tsok enables participants to accumulate vast merit; creating favourable conditions for our practice and accomplishment. Within each retreat a total of 6 Tsok Feasts will be offered.

Staying Extra Nights (£50 pp/per night)
If you would like to request to stay any extra nights (before or after the seminar), please detail this in special requests. We cannot guarantee that we are able to accommodate your request.

Facilities: Please make us aware of any personal needs regarding mobility and access.

Cancelling your booking
We hope you don’t need to cancel your booking, but if you do, here is our general policy.
If you cancel your booking before the 14th September, we can return funds to you, minus an administration fee of £40. After this, we ask to retain 50%, if we are no longer able to fill your place.
About Lama Tenzin Sangpo
Lama Tenzin Sangpo received ordination and a traditional monastic education at Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling and is one of the most knowledgeable and respected lamas at the monastery. Lama Tenzin Sangpo is thoroughly versed in the various Buddhist philosophical systems and is a highly skilled meditation practitioner. Presently, Lama Tenzin Sangpo serves as the resident Lama at Gomde Pyrenees, where he has overview of the three year retreat programme and a number of other shorted retreats. He also travels to teach at many Gomde centers around the world, and is the main teacher for the Tara Triple Excellence programme.
Would you like to support this retreat?
Supporting on the ground
We are looking for people to help support and run the retreats.
Supporting these retreats helps create merit, a necessary condition for accomplishing practice.
It also gives people helpful insights into these special practices related to our tradition.

If you would like to help during the retreat please contact paulette@gomde.uk