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Resounding the Dharma at Gomde UK
23rd May 2024
Resounding the Dharma
On the 23rd May 2024, Rinpoche will be blessing the 1000 Buddha statues at Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling monastery in Lumbini, Nepal.

To be a part of this auspicious, momentous occasion, we will be resounding the dharma together here at Gomde UK, and we invite you to join us.

Please read the information below before registering. Thank you.

Please register here
Why this is a special day
We all deeply rejoice at the recent news of the completion, blessing and inauguration of the 1000 Buddha temple. Rinpoche's activities are astounding! Here at Gomde UK, we are eager to join in the celebrations on this special day and invite you to join us for a day of Resounding the Dharma on the 23rd May. 23rd May is Vesak in the Buddhist calendar.

As Rinpoche shared in his recent announcement, “Vesak marks the birth, enlightenment and parinirvana of the Buddha. In Nepal, this precious day is known as Buddha Jayanti. This year, Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche will honour this auspicious day in Lumbini at Pal Thubten Shedrub Ling monastery (affectionately known as the Thousand Buddha Temple), with the installation and consecration of one thousand 19-inch golden Buddha statues.”

“Even if you are unable to be in Lumbini on these auspicious days, please rejoice form the depths of your heart, wherever you are. In this way, you will share in the boundless and unceasing merit of these inauguration events.”

Come join us at Gomde UK, to resound the dharma on this auspicious day!
Registration and Timings
The practice will begin at 7am with morning meditation. Following this, we will be reading the sutras, resounding the dharma continuously throughout the day until 6pm. Each person will be reading a sutra from our shrine hall, creating a wonderful cacophony of dharma.

We will have breakfast, a simple lunch and supper together. Donations towards the day are greatly appreciated. Please register if you plan to attend to help with planning. 

Please register here
Joining online
We hope to provide an opportunity for people to join this event online. Further details will be posted here.

Staying at Gomde
If you are travelling from afar and would like to stay at Gomde, please contact paulette@gomde.uk