Sutra Reading Day
During the annual seminar in Lumbini this year, Rinpoche called upon dharma practitioners from all over the world to read the words of the Buddha (བཀའ་འགྱུར Kangyur in Tibetan and 大藏经 Da Zang Jing in Chinese).
Reflecting upon this, here at Gomde UK, a few of us felt a strong interest in bringing the sangha together as a group to read and reflect upon the words of Buddha on a regular basis. During Rinpoche’s visit to Gomde UK in January we asked Rinpoche’s advice. Rinpoche was delighted to hear of the plans and immediately suggested the relevant sutras for us to read.
Thanks to the kind support and encouragement of Rinpoche and with Khenpo Pema Namgyal’s support we would like to announce a monthly Sutra Reading Day at Gomde UK.
For March and April recitation will take place on Saturday 29th March and Saturday 12th April.
Rinpoche has suggested the following Sutras:
Noble Sūtra of Recalling the Three Jewels
Confession of Downfalls
Heart Sutra
The King of Aspiration Prayers: Samantabhadra’s “Aspiration to Good Actions” (Zangchö Mönlam)
Aspiration to be Reborn in the Pure Realm of Sukhavati (Dechen Mönlam)
Please contact for more information.
Guru Rinpoche Day
A group of enthusiastic students meets together most months to perform the Tsok feast of the Dispeller of All Obstacles. For details, please contact