Gomde UK
Buddhist Monasteries and Nunneries for the study and practice of the Three Yanas.
Monasteries and Nunneries
Monlam — Aspiration Prayer
Buddhist Philosophy, Himalayan languages and holistic education.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
International Centres for Buddhist Studies and Meditation.
Dharma House
Tibetan Buddhist Teachings, Meditations and Resources.
Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Translation and Publications of Buddhist classics, treatises and contemporary teachings.
Translator Training Program
Dharmachakra Translation Committee
Rangjung Yeshe Publications
Helping the poor and disadvantaged in Nepal.
Shenpen Nepal
Red Amitayus Retreat
29th September – 1st October 2023
About this Retreat
In Vajrayana contexts, Amitabha in his sambhogakaya form is referred to as Buddha Amitayus, ‘The Buddha of Boundless Life.’ He is particularly associated with longevity.

This will be a retreat led by Lama Öser involving teaching and practice.

Retreat Donation
This event is by donation. The suggested donation covers our costs of providing teachings, accommodation, meals, and facilities.

Residential–Single Room: £150
Residential–Twin Room: £125 Per Person
Day visitor options are also available. Please get in touch.

If you have difficulties affording the suggested donation, please contact info@gomde.uk

Please note that the centre is almost entirely dependent on the generosity of those who wish to support our activities through donations. For those of you who are able to give more to either support someone who has difficulty funding a place or to support the running of Gomde UK, a greater donation would be welcome and much appreciated.
Retreat Schedule
Friday 29th September
Registration is between 2.30–5.30pm, followed by dinner and an introductory talk.

Saturday 30th September
Teachings and Practice with Lama Öser

Sunday 1st October
Teachings in the morning followed by lunch.
The retreat will conclude after lunch.
About Lama Öser
Lama Öser is one of our very senior monks at the Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling monastery. He has studied under many great masters and for a number of years was the personal assistant of the great Dzogchen master Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. We are therefore very fortunate that Lama Öser will reside here during Autumn 2023 leading retreats, teachings and talks. Lama Öser will also support practitioners with all aspects of their practice and is available when in residence, to support those who undertake retreats at the Gomde UK.
Our Rooms and Retreat Facilities
To keep abreast with our growing community of residents, visitors and volunteers we are continuously extending all our accommodations. Over the years, we have developed and refurbished derelict rooms and added Rinpoche accommodation, Lama suite, a commercial kitchen, extra bathrooms, and many sleeping rooms.

Our Facilities
Cancellation Policy
Retreat Donations are required two weeks prior to the retreat. We can refund deposits two weeks before the retreat, but kindly ask to retain an administration fee of £25.00.